Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for SwiftSeller


Privacy Policy

Last Updated: May 26, 2021

Your privacy is important to us. This notice explains our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is used at our Service.

The Information We Collect

We do automatically collect certain non-personally identifiable information when you visit our Service. We call this information “Anonymous Data”. Anonymous Data is non-personally identifiable information about your use or the aggregate use of all users that allows us to provide analytics and information on application or Instagram performance, trends, and other metrics that may be useful to users or us. Anonymous Data includes, but is not limited to, the type of browser you are using, the type of operating system you are using, the domain name of your Internet service provider (e.g. Comcast, Verizon FIOS, etc.), the country a mobile device is used in, the time zone of use, the type of mobile device, non-personally identifiable information about use or performance of an Poshmark account, and similar information.

We collect your Poshmark user ID and email address associated with your Poshmark account which can be used in some cases to personally identify you. We also reserve the right to collect and read your Poshmark Sales Report should you elect to import it into the app. This is used, with your permission, to perform the services of the apps, for research, and to send you marketing emails or important emails regarding updates to our Service.

We retain your Poshmark account user ID(s) and email address(es) in our database indefinitely. Certain calculated analytics containing your Poshmark user ID will remain in our system. These data points contain snapshots of your accounts’ various stats at given times. This information can be erased by request.

Unfortunately, we cannot perform the core services of this app without access to your Poshmark ID(s). If you do not login with your Instagram account, we cannot offer you the analytics, stats, and tools the Service provides.

We also use your Poshmark account user ID and other account stats to analyze how you use the application so we can make the experience better for you.

We will not sell your Poshmark account data or statistical information unless you affirmatively opt-in for it. We may anonymize your data and then use it to calculate aggregate statistics. With such analytics your username and personally identifiable information will not be accessible.

If you elect to subscribe to a free trial or purchase an in-app subscription of the Service, the App Store Receipt(s) associated with the transaction shall be retained in our database indefinitely and associated with your Poshmark account user ID(s).

If you encounter an error using the Service, we may send and store sanitized log files associated with the error so that we can improve the service for you. These log files also provide us with context regarding how such errors can be resolved. These log files are sanitized and do not contain any sensitive information like passwords or access tokens.

How we use information about you

We use non-personally identifiable information to analyze Service usage, which allows us to improve the design and content of our Service.

You may opt out of collection and use of personally identifiable information at your request at any time, but this may affect our ability to appropriately serve you. You may also access your profile upon request.

Revisions to Our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to revise this policy or any part of it from time to time without notice to you. Please review the policy periodically for changes. It is your duty to review this agreement periodically.


Should you have any questions concerning this Privacy Policy, you may contact Renegon LLC.

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